
Showing posts from February, 2025

Seasons of Excitement and Transition

The  second season I want to share is one of excitement and adventure. It wasn’t one free from challenge, for I was far from home and support, raising children who were very sensitive to change and dealing with the very normal challenges of the primary school years. But my overwhelming memory is one of excitement and delight. It began with my husband Chris who had for a very long time desired to live and work overseas and have a bit of an adventure. For the first 9 years of marriage, every time he raised the subject I was overwhelmed by fear. I couldn’t imagine leaving my family. After many years of living with simple means we were blessed with a year of plenty and the question was raised again…this time my anxiety was around spending a lot of money on something I was worried was frivolous. I was worried about what others would think of us, was this something a Christian should do. It was a time I really sought God out for wisdom and clarity. Never before had I had choice like this...

Seasons that Grow Us Closer to God: Season of Exhausted Contentment

I was recently asked to give a talk on growing closer to God through different seasons of life. This blog is part one of a serialisation of my talk. In the coming weeks I’ll share the rest.  When thinking about how we grow closer to God in the different seasons of life, I feel very privileged to be asked to speak on this topic, for this is something I personally treasure. My journey in going deeper with God is uniquely personal and the ways in which I have grown, the approach that I have taken, the lessons God’s had for me and where I find myself now speaking to you today is only testament to God’s grace to me. He has proved faithful, even when I was so many times unfaithful. I am also a little hesitant about speaking on this, for the last thing I want to do is promote one way of devotional life, or one means of connecting with God, for their are no rights or wrongs. Each of you have your own journey, and will be at different points on that journey of growing in maturity. Some of y...